Ipswich Exercise Physiologist

Get more out of life, and do it with less pain.

I help patients reduce pain and improve physical capacity so you can get back to living life on your terms.

Are you ready to take control of your physical wellbeing?

Get stronger

I'll work with you to develop a plan that builds physical strength and resilience.

Move better

When you improve your movement and mobility, you improve your quality of life.

20 Confidence

Build confidence

Building confidence is the key to becoming stronger and more active, so you can get back to doing things you love.

Start exercising again

Start exercising on your terms, and get back to the things you enjoy doing in life.

Services & treatments


Don’t let your injuries define you. Get the help you need.


Good health equals quality of life.


You are a participant, not a KPI.

Private consult

Injuries are a part of life. Don’t let them stop you from living it.


Get help getting back to work.

Over 60s strength & conditioning

Age is only a number! Feel better, move better.

Sick of receiving bad healthcare? I was too...

From my military service I have received my fair share of injuries and illnesses that I continue to work on. I have a family, wife and two young children, that I sometimes find difficult to play with due to injuries and illnesses that I sustained while serving.

I had become frustrated with the health care I had received in the past, feeling that it fell short of my expectations. I felt that my providers didn’t fully explain my condition or the reasoning behind the treatments they prescribed. Looking back, I believe that some of the advice I received was just plain wrong.

During my time as an Exercise Physiologist I have been fortunate to assist University of Southern Queensland (USQ) by providing supervision to their exercise physiology students on professional placement, as well as being the Chair of the USQ Sport and Exercise Advisory Committee.

Ready to start feeling great again?
It only takes three steps...

Book an appointment

Simply click the booking button below to get started.

Attend your appointment

Attending the appointment can be the hardest part, but it will pay off in the long-run.

Improve your life!

We'll work together to design a plan so you can manage your condition, strengthen your body and live an active life.

Client testimonials

“I am proud of what I have achieved in the last 12months. I am actually half my starting weight… having lost over 63kg. But so much more than weight loss… it’s my personal strength, my fitness, my self belief. You have helped me believe in myself, my strength, my abilities… so thanks for everything you have done as part of my journey. In case no one has told you recently, you changed my life… so thank you”